Have a Fika – the mandatory coffee break

Have you been to a workplace, where people sit down for a coffee and chat at certain times of the day? At one place it was always at 11 and 13 o’clock. At another office it happened randomly. A colleague would pass your door and call you for a break.

Feels embarrassing to be paid for this time, but this is part of the work culture!

Fika is the act of “stopping everything to sit down for a cup of coffee” for about a 15-45 minute break.  The purpose of fika is to take time away from your work to enjoy the company of coworkers by sharing your time with them while enjoying coffee and treats. This is a great way to break up the day and make sure that you are enjoying what really matters, which is interacting with other people. 

Now, unfortunately, working from remote we can not fika and this affects our happiness, doesn’t it?

Source: There’s Always Time For Fika
BBC Worklife: Is this the sweet secret to Swedish success?

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